Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More RSS

I explored two of the search tools, and, since I am more interested in news feeds than blogs. I added more feeds, including some library-related ones. I thought it was easier to find feeds through the bloglines Quick Pick than to subscribe from a site, but then I am still new at all this. I think patrons would be interested in the newspaper feeds such as the NYT and some of the foreign ones such as the Guardian.

RSS Feeds

Exploring RSS feeds was fun and interesting and not without problems for me. I was able to subscribe to the required number of feeds, and I have checked them since I subscribed. I really enjoy getting the word of the day. Some of the feeds I subcribed to found their way to the desktop of the computer I was using. Apparently I need more experience .

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Since I enjoy sudoku, I explored the sudoku/flickr mashup. It was a fun and different way of doing sudoku, and a fun way to explore the concept of mashups.